Growing Together
Maximize Your Revenue with Morgan & Morgan's Lawyer Referral and Co-Counsel Network.

co-Counsel Fees
Complex Litigation
Medical Malpractice
Birth Injury
Workers Compensation
Auto Accident
Workers' Compensation
Auto Accident
Auto Accident - Georgia
Slip & Fall - Pennsylvania
Auto Accident - New York
Auto Accident - FL
Medical Malpractice
Medical Malpractice -FL
Auto Accident - GA
Workers' Compensation - FL
Mass Tort - Accomack, VA
Workers' Compensation - Pickens, GA
Hurricane Damage - Broward, FL
Auto Accident, Philadelphia, PA
Auto Accident - Miami, FL
Mass Tort - Nationwide
“The Morgan Connection acts as a bridge between our firm and yours, allowing you to diversify your income and capitalize on the opportunity to help more people in need.”

Put Morgan & Morgan to work for you
Working together
Relationships Built on Trust & Communication

Our representatives keep in close contact with regular updates, help identify new opportunities, and ensure you get paid every time we reach
a settlement.

Our online portal, the Litify Referral Network, provides full transparency by allowing users to track each case they send.

Our specialized call center staff have the empathy and experience to ensure your clients are taken care of every step of the way.

Our marketing kits provide ready-to-go advertising assets to expand your offerings and revenue streams.
There's no better choice than Morgan & Morgan.

Our account executive makes us feel like we are part of the team and is there at a moment’s notice with support and clarity.

Morgan & Morgan has revolutionized the practice of law