The Docket
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from the brightest minds at Morgan & Morgan. On the blog they share
their best tips on how to succeed in law, business and life.
Assembling Your Marketing A-Team
David Lau
Your firm might be the best at what it does but if the public doesn't know about you, it’ll never reach its true potential.
4 min Read
Proving Liability in Delivery & Rideshare Cases
Sam Powers
The speed and availability of delivery and rideshare services have increased dramatically as providers such as Amazon, DoorDash, and Uber have exploded in popularity. The sheer number of drivers has led to more drivers causing crashes.
4 min Read
Working Together to Find and Maximize New Revenue
Isaac Schechter
Having collaborated with over 2,000 law firms, reviewed over 100,000 referred cases, and paid out $25 million in referral and co-counsel fees in 2023 alone, we at Morgan & Morgan have learned a great deal how we can partner with other law firms to help boost everyone’s bottom line.
4 min Read
Vanquishing the Big Box Giants
Verdicts in the millions against big box stores in cases involving slips and trips, often with resulting falls, are pro forma for Morgan & Morgan. What makes Morgan & Morgan so adept at handling premises cases against large retailers?
4 min Read
Compounding Injuries: Winning Cases with Pre-Existing Conditions
Pre-existing conditions complicate cases. Our proven courtroom tactics highlight injury impacts on prior conditions, applicable in medical malpractice, auto accident, or premises liability cases.